Friday, May 01, 2009

Well, up yours too, Ghai!!

After inflicting the world with such atrocities like Yuvvraj, Yaadein, Kisna and Trimurti and many more; this alleged "show"-man has the nerve to show the world his middle-finger.
(P.S.: This picture was taken after he cast his vote at the recent general elections. I remember, the index finger was used to mark the little holy dot of ink, but guess the middle finger makes a lot of sense. You can now stick it to the proverbial man every time you vote!)


kautilya said...

yeah this middle finger thing is doing some rounds this election...
(I have a feeling celebrities are intentionally showing it to get on the page.. )

ghai was the ultimate farce... i think he himself started calling him 'showman' and paid a bunch of jornos to keep repeating it..

Aravind G said...